Intermittent Fasting for reducing inflammation and disease
Energy, Gut health, Gut-brain-immune, Immunity, Inflammation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Sleep, Total load
Intermittent Fasting for reducing inflammation and disease

Our genetics (and brains) have historically been exposed to intermittent famine or feasting, for thousands of years. We know how to do this innately. Our cells and DNA expect this. We unfortunately don’t live in a world where this is easy or encouraged. So, we have to think outside the square and decide to choose it. Time Restricted Feeding or the 5/2 Diet has now been made popular by Michael Mosley fame.

Cold Therapy for immunity and mental health
Energy, Immunity, Inflammation, Mental Health, Mindfulness
Cold Therapy for immunity and mental health

Thermogenesis or cold water therapy. Known to improve our energy power batteries within our cells – called the mitochondria. Also improves thyroid and adrenal function, helps with weight loss by increasing more fat burning “brown fat”, plus reducing leptin resistance – which is a hormone which prevents weight loss & when in the right amounts, promotes fat burning. And yes, it does support our immune system plus a whole lot more. The primary positive benefit is to reduce inflammation, the big factor in all illness.

Chronic Inflammation – A Naturopathic approach
Gut health, Gut-brain-immune, Immunity, Inflammation, Mental Health, Pain, Total load
Chronic Inflammation – A Naturopathic approach

Most of us associate “inflammation” with some sort of pain, swelling, redness or swelling. It is obvious. But the inflammation I’m referring to, is usually more silent and subtle in its nature. It is a “bubbling under the surface” kind of inflammation – and drives most, if not all disease states.

There is a greater acceptance that chronic low grade inflammation (or silent inflammation) is actually the warning signal for us that something bigger is on the way. And a large body of scientific research is now gaining momentum, linking cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, auto-immune disease, and depression as being primarily inflammation driven.

Can’t sleep?  Try L-theanine for insomnia and better mental health.
Immunity, Inflammation, Mental Health, Sleep
Can’t sleep? Try L-theanine for insomnia and better mental health.

Anxiety, insomnia, heightened stress response & systemic inflammation unfortunately seem to be part of life these days. L-theanine a naturally occuring amino-acid found in tea, is a non-addictive and a relatively cheap nutritional supplement addition. L-theanine has been studied extensively for his ability to reduce mental and physical stress and improve mental concentration, mood and cognition. It has also been shown supportive in depression like symptoms and even schizophrenia.

L-theanine supplementation along with tailored personalised advice, allows a person with anxiety or insomnia more of a window of time and tolerance. To regain their footing long enough in developing more ability to discovering the root cause of their anxiety or insomnia. Lets face it, anything is possible with restorative healing quality sleep and reduced neuroinflammation.


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One of the simplest and most effective changes you can make for better health is through the food that you eat.


Naturopathy is method of healing that uses your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine uses concentrated medicinal plant extracts to treat a broad range of health conditions.


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