Self Compassion – an antidote to low self-esteem, anxiety & perfectionism
Mental Health, Mindfulness
Self Compassion – an antidote to low self-esteem, anxiety & perfectionism

In my experience not many people know what being compassionate to oneself or “self-care” really means, nor “get” the concept or “practice” being kind to themselves. Yes “practice” – because it has to be a practice and must be practiced regularly, until those neural networks in our brain and re-wired and we then learn to do it automatically. I think it is the biggest hurdle I have faced myself & continue to face, and the biggest hurdle I witness in those I work with.

Christmas time self-care Mindfulness experiment
Mental Health, Mindfulness
Christmas time self-care Mindfulness experiment

Christmas time can be a time of joy but also can end up being a time full of pressure, perfection and expectations. Usually we run around like crazy, being everything to everyone, see people that “trigger” us, spend way too much money and eat and drink like there is no tomorrow. Is there another way…? So, if you choose to accept, here is a little end of year mindfulness experiment.

Gluten free for energy & mental health
Gut-brain-immune, Mental Health
Gluten free for energy & mental health

I recommend going gluten free to my Naturopathic and Psychotherapy clients with mood imbalances such as “depression like” symptoms, irritability, brain fog, chronic fatigue, insomnia and anxiety.

It often isn’t received well because removing gluten containing foods can be very challenging to our pre-existing concept of what so called “yummy” food is.

Gluten Sensitivity – Is it real?
Gut-brain-immune, Mental Health
Gluten Sensitivity – Is it real?

Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity – science now says it exists! It would seem (said with a small amount of sarcasm)…that those who are genuinely feeling better (mentally and physically) off gluten and wheat products are not imagining it. There is now growing scientific evidence of something we have suspected for years, and is called Non Celiac … Continue reading Gluten Sensitivity – Is it real?


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One of the simplest and most effective changes you can make for better health is through the food that you eat.


Naturopathy is method of healing that uses your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine uses concentrated medicinal plant extracts to treat a broad range of health conditions.


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