Turmeric and Coconut Golden Milk Latte

Turmeric and Coconut Golden Milk Recipe

A warming anti-inflammatory blood sugar balancing drink that tastes divine.

If you have insomnia where you get to sleep ok but wake up at 2 or 3am, try having this before you go to bed to help balance your blood sugar levels. Kids also love it. Wonderful for brain health and auto-immune inflammatory conditions.


  • Dried Turmeric (I use a medicinal form of turmeric powder which comes in a capsule called BioMedica CurcuForte. This is concentrated form of turmeric). I use 2 of these capsule for 2-3 cups. Or if using powdered Turmeric spice, add one teaspoon for 2-3 cups.
  • Coconut milk. Canned or make your own fresh (preferably organic canned and BPA free can if possible). Or you can use another milk of your choice.
  • Coconut oil
  • Manuka or non-heat treated honey (use less honey or none, if insomnia is your problem)
  • Fresh ginger (grate 1-2 thumb sizes)
  • Spices as per your preference and taste (per cup use approximately 5 cardamom pods, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2-3 star-anise, 2-3 cloves, tiny touch of black pepper)



  1. In small saucepan heat on high temperature the coconut oil (1 teaspoon per person/cup), turmeric, fresh ginger and spices until fragrance is released from spices.
  2. Add water (1/2 cup of water per cup or per person approximately). Bring to the boil.
  3. Add in coconut milk or milk of your choice. Continue to heat, but do not boil.
  4. Strain, serve and add honey to taste.

Category: Recipes

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